Our Vision

To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

1301 E. Gadsden Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Our Mission

To partner with people to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.

God has a path for each person to follow that He lays out in front of us. Our first step is to Know God, and His son Jesus Christ. Then, we Find Freedom from the sin and life that entangles us. Next, we discover our God-given purpose. Here we get to ask, For what purpose did God create me? And Finally, we use our knowledge of God, our freedom in Christ, and our God-given purpose to make a difference in the lives of all those we come in contact with, spurring them on, to the same path God has for them!

Homepage - Worship hand

FC Family

At First City, family is important, because people are important. Every person at First City is a part of the family. We strive to create nurturing and engaging environments for every member of your family to grow in the Lord.​

Small Groups

God created us to live in relationship with Him and with others. Sharing life through community is paramount, but not always easy to find. That’s why small groups exist-to make these life-changing relationships accessible to you.​


At First City, we aim to give God the glory, honor, and worship He deserves. We believe God is the only one truly worthy of our adoration. The expression of praise and worship through song is a key part of life at FCC.

Dream Teams​

Our ministry teams at First City all help to support the vision. Each team serves that purpose uniquely and allows people to use their gifts from God to serve Him. There is a team for you!​


Outreach at First City is directed toward vulnerable children and families. God has called us specifically to be a light to the broken in our community. Much of our time, energy, and resources go directly to orphan care and mending broken families.​

Our Pastor

“Our leadership team exists to serve the body of Christ at First City.”

Believers who invest their time, energy, resources, and ultimately much of their life into the local church, deserve to have confidence in it’s leadership. The need for leaders today to have integrity, humility, and a heart of surrender to Jesus is immense. We desire to be those leaders.

Pastor Taran Howell

Upcoming Events

Maintenance Day March 25


We would love to help!